we are more than just an agro-processing company

we are the architects of sustainable growth and prosperity within the Oil Palm Value Chain

Empowering Smallholder Farmers

We believe that empowering smallholder farmers is key to unlocking the true potential of the agricultural sector. Through capacity building, training programs, and fair trade practices, we enable farmers to maximize their yields and income.

Promoting Local Production

By championing local production, we aim to reduce import dependency and strengthen food security within our communities. Through sustainable farming practices and technological innovation, we work tirelessly to enhance productivity and quality across the entire palm product spectrum.

Supplying High-Quality Raw Materials

We understand the importance of quality in today’s competitive marketplace. That’s why we go above and beyond to ensure that our palm products meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and sustainability. From harvesting to processing, every step of our production process is meticulously executed to deliver products that exceed expectations.

driving force for positive change

Catalyze Sustainable Growth

By pioneering innovative solutions and best practices, we seek to catalyze sustainable growth and development within the agro-processing sector. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, we aim to unlock new opportunities for progress and prosperity.

leading the way towards a more sustainable and equitable future


What We sell

Our product line includes Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO), Palm Kernel Cake (PKC), and Sludge Oil (SO)

Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO)

Crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) is one of the numerous by products of the palm kernel nuts. It is a light yellow crude oil used for edible vegetable oil, Ice creams, margarine and cosmetics production.

Palm Kernel Cake (PKC)

Palm kernel Cake is another by product of palm kernel nut, it is the compressed chaff from the expeller machine after CPKO is extracted from the kernel.

Sludge Palm Kernel Oil (SO)

Sludge oil is a dark colored sediment from the filtration process of CPKO. The sludge oil is used by cosmetic companies for soap manufacturing purposes.

Contact Us

Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to say hello, we’re here to assist you.